Engineered vs. solid hardwood


Are you wondering about engineered vs. solid hardwood?

If you’ve made up your mind that only real hardwood floors will do, you’ve probably already wondered about the differences between engineered vs. solid hardwood flooring. It’s not uncommon to be confused about how the two vary and how they are alike.

We'd like to address a few of the most issues between the two so you'll be better educated for making your own decision. While these products are very similar, some stark differences might affect the installation of the materials in specific areas of your home.

Your own engineered vs. hardwood facts

It’s important to know, right from the start, that solid hardwood can't be installed in spaces like basements or other below-grade areas. Since this material reacts to humidity, dampness, and temperature changes, it’s better kept out of spaces where this is possible.

Solid floors must also be acclimated before installation, to make sure they match the humidity levels of the rest of your flooring. Some engineered flooring has to undergo acclimation as well, and your engineered hardwood flooring retailer will make sure to give you all the details.

Engineered flooring features an excellent layered construction topped with a veneer of real wood that will be the species of your choice. The plies of wood underneath the veneer offer extreme stability, excellent functionality, and protection against warping, cracking, or splitting.

Both solid and engineered flooring can be refinished once wear begins to show. We can refinish solid wood several times, but the amount of refinishing engineered flooring can take depends on the thickness of the real wood veneer.

For even more detailed information about the differences between these two kinds of woods, visit this solid hardwood retailer. We’ll be happy to help you understand the differences between the two.

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Engineered vs. solid hardwood in Tyler, TX from East Texas Floors

Engineered vs. solid hardwood: find them here

East Texas Floors has nearly 40 years of industry experience that we are will to put towards helping you understand the differences between engineered vs. hardwood flooring. With extensive material options available onsite for you to see, you're going to get a great idea of what you're dealing with.

Serving the communities of Tyler, Jacksonville, Flint, Whitehouse, and Bullard, we invite you to visit our Tyler, Texas showroom anytime you’re in the area. You’ll find friendly associates, ready to serve all your flooring needs.No matter how large your flooring project, we’re ready to work for you.